Notice of Privacy

Comprehensive Privacy Statement for Personal Information VOLARE For Clients


In acordance with the Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares (Personal Information Protection in Private Possession Law), this is our Privacy Statement.

We suggest you read carefully this Privacy Statement, which states the use, treatment, terms, and procedures to follow in case you consider the limitation of the use of the personal information you are giving us.


  1. Responsible for your personal information protection.

Servicios Aéreos y Turísticos Volare-E, S.A. de C.V. with brand name VOLARE with address on Del Sol 4, Col. San Francisco

Mazapa, Teotihuacán, Estado de México, C.P. 55830, is responsible for collecting your personal information as well as the treatment and protection of this information, primarily to verify and confirm your identity.


  1. Personal information and collecting means.

The personal information we collect from you, including images and sounds recorded by the security cameras, for the purposes described in numeral four (4) of this Privacy Statement, are collected on a personal basis when you provide us with this information through:

  • A)  Our main office.
  • B)  Contact questionnaires on our web page.
  • C)  social media [whatsapp (name and email address).
  • D)  telephone calls.

and are guarded physically and electronically in our offices under the strictest confidentiality.

The Personal Identifiable Information we collect from Parents:

  • A)  A name.
  • B)  Address.
  • C)  Fiscal Domicile.
  • D)  Local telephone number.
  • E)  Cell phone number.
  • F)  Date of birth
  • G)  Place of origin.
  • H)  Name of the companions.
  • I)  Contact in case of emergency.
  • J)  Email.
  • K)  Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC).
  • L)  INE

The personal information we collect from you is treated under the principles of legality, loyalty, proportionality, quality and only for the purposes stated in this Privacy Statement. Furthermore, for the protection of your personal information, we will establish administrative, technical and physical security measures that allow us to protect this information against harm, misplacement, modification, destruction or any other use different to the one stated in this Privacy Statement.

2.1.- Personal information for handicapped people.

It is our special interest to take care of protecting the personal information of handicapped people under the terms of the law. The information will be treated and protected under higher security measures and confidentiality.


  1. Sensitive personal information we collect are:
  2. A) Illnesses you have or have suffered. 
  3. B) Allergies.

The Patrimonial Data are:

  • A)  Bank account number.
  • B)  Banking CLABE.
  • C)  Name of the account holder.
  • D)  Credit Card number.
  • E)  Issuing Bank.
  • F)  Data for Billing.
  1. Purpose of the collected personal information.

Your personal information is collected with the following primary purposes:

  • A)  Provide the balloon flight service.
  • B)  Provide the Transportation service.
  • C)  Provide the Hosting service.
  • D)  Billing.
  1. Refusal of secondary purposes uses for your personal information.

Secondary purposes are not necessary for the legal relationship with the responsible.

The following are the secondary purposes:

  • A)  Digital Marketing.
  • B)  Informative flyers in a physical and digital way.
  • C)  Publication of images and sounds in social networks.
  • D)  Information about new products and services.
  • E)  Specific campaigns.

The refusal on the use of your personal information for secondary purposes, will not at any time, prevent us to provide the offered service.

I do not accept that my personal information is used for the above mentioned secondary purposes. [ ]


  1. Personal Information Transference

For the fulfillment of the primary purposes above mentioned booked with VOLARE, a transference of the collected personal information may be made to third parties with whom a legal or business relation exists, so to provide the booked services for the purposes in numeral (4) four, of this Privacy Statement.


We would like to inform you that your personal information will be shared with people and companies from the country or other countries (agencies with commercial, marketing, touristic, promotional and advertising activities, as well as financial and insurance etc), for the following purposes:


Your personal data may be transferred to:

  • A)  Travel agencies.
  • B)  Hotels.
  • C)  Transport companies.
  1. Means and Procedures to exercise Derechos ARCO (ARCO Rights).

To exercise your Derechos ARCO (ARCO Rights) (Acceso, Rectificación, Cancelación y Oposición) (Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition) you should make a written request addressed to the Departamento de Datos Personales vía e-mail to the e-mail  or deliver it physically in our offices, that should contain the following requirements:

  • a)  Name of the owner of the information.
  • b)  Address or other means of communications for a response. In case of not complying with this requirement, the
    request will be taken as not filed.
  • c)  Documents that validate your identity: INE, passport or any other official I.D.
    In the case of a legal representative, it will be necessary to validate the power given through a document and ID.
  • d)  A clear and precise description of on which personal information you look to exercise your Derechos ARCO.
  • e)  Any other element or document that facilitates the localization of the personal information.
  • f)  Once your request is received, we will use a period of 20 working days to notify you the adopted determination, which, if applicable, will have effect in the 15 days following the day the determination was communicated.
  • g)  We would like to inform you that in case the request is insufficient or incorrect, the timeframe on the above- mentioned paragraph will be counted within five working days from the date the request was received. To correct or amend you will have 10 working days to meet this requirement, which will continue the procedure. In case of not meeting the mentioned requirement, the request will be taken as not filed.
  • h)  If the request is for Acceso (Access)to your personal information a physical photocopy will be issued and the only cost generated will be the reproduction and the shipping expenses, with a previous validation of the owner or the legal representative.
  1. Mechanisms and procedures to revoke your consent.

At any moment you may revoke your consent to the treatment of your personal information, for which it is necessary that you send us an email written in Spanish to the following e-mail address: containing the requirements stated in numeral seven (7) of this Privacy Statement pointing out which information you wish to revoke.


In a timeframe of no longer than 20 working days starting on the day we receive your mail, we will revoke the requested information.


It is important to point out that not in all of the cases we will be able to fulfill your request or end its use in an immediate manner, due to the possibility of some legal obligation that requires the continuation of the treatment of your personal information. Likewise, you should consider that for certain purposes, the consent revocation implies that we will not be able to provide the requested service or the conclusion of your relationship with us.


  1. Options the owner has to limit the use and disclosure of personal information.

At any time you can limit the consent of use and disclosure of your personal information through mechanisms other than Derechos ARCO (ARCO Rights)consisting in sending an e-mail to or a written filing addressed to Departamento de Protección de Datos (Personal Information Department), in which you point out which is the information you want to limit.


  1. Use of cookies, web beacons or other similar technologies.

Cookies are texts that are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard drive of the user’s computer when browsing a specific Web page, which allows you to remember the Internet or email server, which can be used to Monitor the behavior of a visitor, such as storing information about the user’s IP address, duration of the interaction time on that page and the type of browser used, among others. We do not use cookies or web beacons.


  1. Modifications to the Privacy Statement.

We reserve the right to modify or actualize this Privacy Statement in accordance with legislative modifications, internal policies or new requirements in our products and services. These modifications will be available to the public through the following:

  1. A) On our website
  2. B) Visible copy of the changes in our offices.


  1. Unfair treatment of personal information.

If you consider that your right to personal information protection has been harmed by any of the employees with their acts or responses, or presume that in the treatment of your personal information, one of the provisions of the Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares has been violated, you can file a complaint before the INAI on their website


I accept and give my full agreement for the recollection of my personal identification, asset and sensitive information for the treatment of the purposes described in this Privacy Statement.

Name:___________________________________________________________________ Signature:________________________________________ Date:_________________________________________